Online resources to help you get more value for your dollar
- Drug price search compares the costs of prescription drugs at pharmacies near you. It does not include nonprescription drugs.
- GoodRx includes both prescription and nonprescription drugs but does not include all pharmacies.
Procedures and treatments
- FAIR Health Consumer Info explains healthcare insurance reimbursement system and provides other consumer information.
- FAIR Health Medical Cost Lookup estimates the cost of medical and dental services, procedures, and tests as well as your approximate out-of-pocket payment. You’ll need the ICD-10 code, and any modifiers, for each service or procedure you research. You can get this code from the billing expert at your doctor’s office. These figures are ball-park estimates.
- Vitals Solutions helps estimate and plan your medical and dental expenditures.
Helpful reading materials:
- How price shopping can help you get the best deals on medical care
- What to do if you can’t afford your prescriptions
- How to manage costs