It’s important to think about your goals.
- Your goals can be big-picture and long-ranging, or they can be short-term and focused. Knowing your goals can help you focus your energy on the things that matter most.
- The goals below were provided by patients with chronic pain to help pinpoint what matters.
- Please select the 3 topics that are most important to you when you choose ways to manage or treat your chronic pain.
- This may be difficult because there may be more than 3 topics that are important to you. Trying to find the top 3 can help you set your priorities and let your doctor know what’s most important to you.
- Physical abilities
- Having a better quality of life
- Thinking, memory, and concentration
- Managing pain
- Your healthcare providers
- Reducing fear, anger, and depression
- Costs and affordability
- Finding treatments with fewer risks
- Managing pain medications
Setting realistic goals for yourself that go beyond pain relief is the most important step on your path to better health.
- It can be difficult to accept that the pain itself may never completely go away. You may always have some pain or discomfort. Finding better ways to live your life with your pain and focusing on the things you can do will help you achieve your goals. This does not mean giving up on efforts to lessen your pain.
- Most patients find that the more they focus on the good things in their life, the easier it is to cope with their pain.
Your goals will likely change over time as your health changes and your life changes. Keep your goals in mind as you make the changes necessary to manage your pain.